Earwax Buildup is Still an Issue in 2018. So How Do We Prevent It?
Posted by Vova Z. on Nov 21st 2023
Earwax is one of the natural ear protectives that guides against foreign particles like dust, and microorganisms. It is an oily substance produced in the ear canal in form of waxy oil called cerumen.
Normally, when wax is excessively produced beyond what the ear can hold, it finds a way of flowing out of the ear canal and naturally gets washed away. However, in cases where the responsible glands begin to produce excessive wax, the wax gets hard and begins to block up the ear canal. Attempting to clean the blockage, can be dangerous and in most cases, ends up pushing the block deeper inside. This can damage your eardrum and lead to hearing loss.
Causes of Earwax Buildup:
Though excess wax can lead to earwax buildup, most often, the wax itself is not the direct cause of blockage. Attempting to engage in home or domestic removal methods is typically the cause. These are the uses of objects such as cotton swabs, bobby pins, feathers, matchsticks and even biro (such as pen caps). When these objects are inserted into the ear, they push the wax deeper. The frequent use of earphones, also resists the flow of wax, thereby causing it to build up and turn into blockage. Most people have been using these cleaning methods their whole life and aren't aware that safer solutions are available. Earwax buildup is not only peculiar in adults, it is also possible with children. Children’s ears are highly sensitive at an early age and attempting to remove the wax with traditional methods like cotton swabs, can cause damage.
Symptom of Earwax Buildup:
Earwax varies in color, typically light yellow and dark brown. However, the appearance of the darker color is not a symptom of blockage. Here are the major indicators that you may be suffering from earwax buildup:
⦁ Partial or sudden hear loss
⦁ The feelings of tinnitus (ringing or buzzing in the ear)
⦁ Feelings of sudden fullness in the ear
⦁ Persistent earache
⦁ Ear irritation
When these symptoms are not properly taken care of, they can turn out to infections with symptoms like:
⦁ Consistent ear pain
⦁ Hearing loss
⦁ Coughing
⦁ Odor coming from the ear
⦁ Dizziness
How to Prevent or Treat Earwax Buildup:
The ear is such a sensitive organ of the body that very few objects are permitted to get through. Hence the use of cotton swabs, bobby pins, biro, and matchsticks are never a way of cleaning your ears but rather a way of damaging them. The key to preventing earwax buildup, is to be consistent with cleaning.
Below are 3 recommended low cost ear cleaning solutions. These are the same solutions your doctor or audiologist uses to treat sever earwax buildup. These are all quick and easy solutions that can be used right at home!
1) Tridal Wave Three-Stream Ear Cleaning System - $24.95
The cleaning system contains a unique three-system tip design that diffuses water pressure and directs towards the outer wall of the ear canal. Hence this softens the hard wax and ensures a safe, quick, and easy wash.
2) Ototek Loop Ear Wax Removal Tool - $9.99
This is also another tool for easy and timely ear cleaning, which can remove ear wax within seconds. It also specially designs to pull wax outside not inside. The Ototek Loop is safer than Q-tips and it is built with a stopper that ensures no damage.
3) Ear Wax Removal Kit by Audiologist's Choice - 1/2oz. Bottle with Bulb Syringe - $7.99
Audiologist’s Choice drops are the #1 doctor recommended formula that gently softens and loosens ear wax for easy removal with the included bulb syringe. Once the earwax is softened by the drops, use water to flush the wax out of your ear canals.
It has been proven that the use of a Q-tip causes more damage to the ear and can actually promote the development of infections. With the ear cleaning solutions recommended, you can now effectively remove excess wax without risking damage to your ears!